Work Scholarship
Dear Work Scholarship Applicant,
We are so excited that you are applying for a work scholarship for one of our 2025 Summer Camps! Many hands make light work! To that end, summer camps run smoother when there is a teen helper. Teen helpers are an extra pair of hands assisting the teacher in all aspects of the camp. In exchange for their help they get to take a camp for free. If a camper helps with a ½ day camp they can take a ½ day camp for free. If a teen helps with a full day camp they can take a full day camp (or two ½ day camps) for free.
There are a limited number of applications available and we will consider them in the order we receive them. Please be sure to complete the ENTIRE application. If you are awarded a work scholarship, and are 15 or older, you will need to get your clearances. We will help you do this.
Applications will be taken until all the spots are filled. Send all materials to: TAFE/PO Box 20573/York, PA 17402 or email to
Please note: To be fair to all applicants, only two scholarships can be awarded per family and only one scholarship per applicant.
Scholarship candidates will be notified of the decision of the Scholarship Committee by mid-June if not sooner. If you are not chosen for a scholarship for this year, we encourage you to apply again in the future.
For more information, please call (717) 884-8233 or e-mail
A completed application, and a camp registration form must be included in order for your application to be considered for available scholarships.