Our mission is to give everyone the opportunity to be involved in, educated about, and entertained by the art of live theatre.
“TAFE is a community theatre. TAFE believes that everyone can benefit from what theatre arts can teach – confidence, how to sew on a button, how and when to be quiet or to project, creating or finding props, collating and organizing paperwork, hair braiding, responsibility, the list goes on and on! TAFE is also committed to serving those often not involved with theatre such as seniors and those with disabilities.
TAFE aims to challenge those that are experienced in theatre as well welcoming in novices. TAFE believes that every role is important – we do not place cast above crew, we do not believe that the person with the most lines should be celebrated more than anyone else, we do not believe that the same roles should go to the same people time and time again. We believe in kindness, in learning, and in personal relationships, all of which create the team art of theatre.
I can’t wait to see TAFE grow. I hope you will come along for the ride!”