Angela Williams
Sojourner Truth
I am an Evangelist. I relate to Sojourner Truth because I travel from place to place speaking Biblical truth and helping others find their freedom in Christ. This project was important to me because as a Woman of Color it is important to remind future generations of the phenomenal role models who look like us , have struggled yet still rise to a level of greatness by standing firm in their belief that God has made them a new person in Christ.
Annie Sussemihl
Mrs. Wheatley
I am retired from business, but active at the sewing machine. Mistress Wheatley was a nurturing, loving woman who wanted the best for Phyllis, and I'd like to think I would have done the same in her situation. I think portrayals like this are very important - if we can put a human face and voice on these legendary heroes, it makes them more accessible and real. I'm hopeful that the portrayals may spark imagination and interest in all of the lost stories of unsung heroes who lived lives of dignity and courage in spite of their circumstances.
Carol Hill-Evans
Gwendolyn Brooks/ Phyllis Wheatley
I am a State Representative. I was elected to the state legislature on Nov. 8, 2016, to represent the 95th Legislative District in York County. I am a native of York City and was educated in the York City School District prior to earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Penn State. My prior political experience with policy, legislation and collaboration helps me form important relationships.
Demietra Middleton
Phebe Attucks
I’m an HR Manager at Harley-Davidson Motor Company - York Vehicle Operations plant. I am a woman leader in a male dominated environment. As an African -American woman it is important that our voices are heard. Women are an integral part of the fabric of this society. Phoebe's voice also needs to be heard. I worked on this project because I wanted to be able to show our community, that TAFE's mission is what I support and who I am. It is important that we are all able to see ourselves represented on stage.
Katherine E. Rose
Harriet Tubman
I am the Pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church of York, Pa. Some years ago, my son and I traveled with a group of tourists from Philadelphia to Canada and New York to visit historic settlements of runaway slaves and the home of Harriet Tubman. It was an intense and exciting adventure. As a result, I was able to identify with this amazingly courageous and committed woman of God. I have a picture of Ms Harriet Tubman with her gun hanging in my home office.
Safia Middleton
Young Phillis Wheatley
I am a 6th grade student at Shallowbrook Intermediate, I play young Phillis Wheatley because it is important to share her story with the world. We are both young African American children. I felt sad as I listened to her story. It is important to learn that black history is more than just a month. It is a part of American history that should be celebrated every day.
Director … Diane Crews
Videographer … Manny Tellado
Graphic Designer … Emily Ryan
Photographer … Erika Rosario, River & Co.
Special Thanks to York Academy Regional Charter School